adored/tributes - will denominate a new series, revisiting some masterpieces that have come along and left traces over the years...Trying to explore its essence, getting them into a actual or personal context for me & my environment as sensible constructs. So - with my recent "dogs like us" just now in 2020 - there is the ever-present Alberto Giacometti, as well as his brother Diego. "Le chien", 1951, used as a template to depict the straydog he encountered late night as a metaphor for the modern family-construct: the adored doggy as pseudo substitute child. Followed by earlier works just like Anton Böcklins "Toteninsel", my hommages to "Benidorm" & "Manhattan 2011" ...and one day in future my contribution to Deborah Butterfield, Lynn Chadwick, and so forth...- http://hans-some.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/dogs-like-us-front-sculpture-by-Hans-Some-2020.jpg
- http://hans-some.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/dogs-like-us-2020-sculpture-by-Hans-Some.jpg
- http://hans-some.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/dogs-like-us-neck-sculpture-by-Hans-Some-2020.jpg
- http://hans-some.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/dogs-like-us-Hans-Some-2020.jpg
- http://hans-some.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/dogs-like-us-back-sculpture-by-Hans-Some-2020.jpg
- Toteninsel, hommage Arnold Böcklin by Hans Some
- Toteninsel - detail, hommage Arnold Böcklin by Hans Some
Innerworlds turning outwards - "von innen nach aussen stülpen". The creative process of my work is based on the exploration and confrontation of contrarious concepts or conditions - volume and its dissolution, compactation vs. release and distension, motion through tension, space through omission, etc. This area of friction, the experimented resistance –the resistance of the object– is an essential character of the significant experience of personal truth. With this exploration of the resistant opposite you can start a dialogue and experience yourself. I‘m interested in this dialogue with materiality reaching and exceeding its own limits as an intuitive as conceptual approach. -
sphid series
sphid series - wrought steel sculptures with spheroid shaped stainless steel moduls. They remind organic structures of the microcosmos, bacteria & growing crystals. Sometimes they show delicate buds of transformation and alteration, othertimes breaking out new forms by sheer force. Emerging from deconstruction & deformation, germinating by repeated fusion of elements & consolidation of the miscellaneous. Motion through tension, space through omission. Innerworlds turning outwards. Origin of life... .
- phague node deviant, bronze & copper sculpture by Hans Some web
- phague node xtd.
- sphid deviant ext.2
- phague, stainless steel sculpture by Hans Some
- sphid stratos, stainless steel sculpture, Hans Some
- chaosmos, iron sculpture by Hans Some
- solid gold hell, steel & gold leaf, by Hans Some
- sphid cubic tension, monumentale Stahlskulptur, Hans Some, Spain
- sphid cubin, steel sculpture, Hans Some
- sphid 2
- sphid modular shell, Hans Some
- http://hans-some.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/IMG_7954-Kopie-e1458995422384.jpg
- sphid|phague
- sphid deviant ext.
Going into a new direction I started developing the glia serie early 2016. Also deriving from organic structures, rhizoma, but even more focused on the nervous system and its components like gliacells, dendrites, neurons. Inspired by the complex properties of gliacells sustaining the neurons in their structures on the on hand, and either participating in synaptic transmission on the other. So I revisited the mesh-like structures that attracted me intensely to the rhizome-metaphor a couple of years ago with the inspired objects series (inspired stones/inspired box): The non-hierarchic organisation, endless possibilities of extension, connection & exchange of information, etc. Thus my glias represent an internal & intime area/organism interacting with the external environment, so as a paralell draft to ones personal mircrocosmos and the macro-outside like the surrounding sociotope or society. Communication: The wonderous processing of input, perception, de-& encoding, alignment and omission, etc....trying to untrain old perception habits, see the error of the blind spot, cultivate the unusual to enrich the the perspective. Exploring the minuscule leads to the big picture. Without limits imposed on physical properties, allowing ruptures & metamorphosis where atoms are getting vanquished by the vortex of forging force to be assembled in a fragile balance of new forms. Multiple conjunctions arising from chaos. -
outdoor | public
outdoor & public sculptures, esculturas para exterior/público y gran formato- ave #4 L, escultura acero corten, 2021, Hans Some, España
- ave #4 L, Cortenstahl Skulptur, 2021, Hans Some, Spanien
- ave #4 L, escultura de acero corten, Hans Some, 2021, España
- ave #4 L, corten steel sculpture, 2021, Hans Some, Spain
- árbol, 2006, escultura de acero, Hans Some, Spain
- árbol, escultura de gran formato, 2006, Hans Some
daimones | gestalten
ghosts in my head ... on the other side
- that´s really not the deal! here they come!personal & alternativ draft versus modern egotripping avatars fighting for "the good thing" in a virtual world, being always pc, "gutmensch"... pretending to be conscious & solving all world problems by contributing your signatur
sphid aphotics
experimental aphotics of the sphid series - a side project with Jota Morote & Raul Dario Gandoy
hans some